World Friendship Day, Harnessing the Power of Song

World Friendship Day, Harnessing the Power of Song 2014

Aloha, Love to Sing and Learn New Songs?

World Friendship Day (February 22nd) is fast approaching and we have something special to inspire you to bring your Journey to Life!!You’re invited to join Kjersten Halinaka - Magic Mama, an Eco-Edu-TainerShyla Nelson,founder of One Earth. One Voice.campaign, an International environmentally-focused movement through song, and myself, Melinda Caroll for a never before experienced virtual Women’s Singing Circle in conjunction with Girl Scouts of the USA Overseas!

Individually and together, we will speak and sing about Harnessing the Power of Song for all ages! We will honor our tradition of singing together, while exploring how music and songs change lives, families and communities and cultures! Singing, music and wonderful stories, tips and valuable insights into utilizing the arts of music into your Journey – In other words BIG FUN!! You’ve just got to be there!!  And while you’re waiting, please enjoy a FREE Mp4 Music Video Download of A World of Thanks!

Just in time for World Friendship Day, All Girl Scouts, Girl Guides volunteers, staff, members, girls, and friends are invited to Link with us Around the World for this on February 12th 2:00 EST

 Check the World Time Clock to confirm your local time.

Music, Songs, Stories, and Inspiration will make this a true Global event that every Girl Scout and Girl Guide will not want to miss! Please join us and share widely!
Sangam World Center – Arts Exchange
Celebrating the Arts as a Catalyst for Social Change, March 12th to 21st, 2014!

I’m so excited to be a part of the upcoming Sangam Arts exChange! Artists from around the world are coming together to connect, create and share our collective talents and passion. We are there to inspire art and creativity and to link our creative communities. I will be facilitating songwriting and free-style community dance and look forward to sharing our “master-pieces” when I return in April! There is still time to sign-up if you or a friend are interested!! It promises to be an experience of a lifetime joining with sisters from around the world!!

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