Join Me for a Live Singing Event! May 1, 2020 at 6:45 to 7:15 PM EST
Join Me for a Live Singing Event! May 1, 2020 at 6:45 to 7:15 PM EST
Sing Me A Song: Songs to Start Your Girl Scout Journey. A program for all girls in grades K - 3! Register Here!
Singing together is what Girl Scouts have been doing since our very first meeting with Juliette Gordon Low in 1912! It is one of our happy traditions that can bring joy to you and to others. It’s something that can make you feel good and you can do it anywhere, anytime, just by using your breath and your voice! And when we know the same songs, we can sing with Girl Scouts anywhere! This program is for girls in grades K and 1, for Daisies and beginning Brownie Girl Scouts and their leaders. Today we will learn 5 songs that every new Girl Scout should know and can use in Girl Scout gatherings. Please invite your friends to join in – the more, the merrier when we sing together!
*We recommend that you participate using a computer so you can see the presenter's webcam. Melinda Caroll Music is dedicated to creating songs and music resources for those who love to share this time-honored tradition of singing together in Girls Scouts and Girl Guides and for girls' and women's singing circles everywhere. Singing and raising your voice can be a courageous act. Daisy age girls (grades K-1) will complete step 3 of the red courageous and strong petal. Brownie age girls (grades 2-3) will complete steps 1 and step 5 of the Girl Scout Ways badge.
Materials needed: Your breath, your voice and a great attitude! Optional: Paper and writing markers/crayons or pencils and a recording device to listen to yourself later.
Receive your Free Mp3 Downloads through May 1-
Please note that the timing for this webcast is 6:45pm eastern (5:45pm central, 4:45pm mountain, 3:45pm pacific, 12:45pm Hawaii). It will be recorded and you'll be able to view it 1 hour after the program concludes by following the registration link. This event is hosted by Girl Scouts of the USA.
Here’s the link to register: